2nd February, 2011 was being observed as the the WORLD WETLAND DAY all over the world. Mangalajodi, a village is internationally famous for Eco Tourism. It is a paradise for migratory birds, just 5kms away from block headquarter, Tangi which is in Khordha district of Odisha, a state to the Indian sub-continent. The students of Karatia Sahi Project UP School (Mangalajodi) alongwith 30 students each from Tangi Girls High School and Padma Kumuda Bidya Niketan, Nuapada, had made the observation worthwhile. An awareness rally was arranged in village Mangalajodi and a meeting on this behalf was uphold inside the Karatia Sahi Project U.P.School premises. Those who made the programme fruitful, were..... G.Rajesh,DFO,Khordha, B.Acharya,DFO,Balugaon, C.Behera,ACF, K.Panigrahi,RO,Tangi, L.Mohanty,Tahsildar,Tangi, R.Sahoo,IIC,TangiPS, N.Bhujbal,Vice-President,Wild-Odisha and P.Biswal,Ret.Tr n journalist, G.Palai,Head-Master,KSPUPS, P.Subudhi,Head-Master,PKBN and S.Kar,Master Trainer eco-club of Tangi girls High School, spread their active support alongwith all other staff of Karatia Sahi Project U.P. School (Mangalajodi), people from print media and some villagers. Conservation of the wetland and its wise use, is the real aim of this observation. The rally was widely appreciated and the forest officials had given plenty of data on Chilka and Mangalajodi. If we look into the history of Chilika, we will find that bird-hunters used to hunt migratory birds in large numbers in the last decade. It was not at all a good sign for environment. But some bird-hunters of Mangalajodi village, now a days fight against hunting. Hunting of birds is nearly checked till date. But awareness is still required. Mahaveer Pakshi Surakshya Samiti, a NGO of Mangalajodi village with the help of Wild Odisha, had worked and is working in this regard. Chilika is the largest salt-water lagoon of India and second largest in the world. Its brackish water lagoon spread over Puri, Khordha and Ganjam district. It is the largest wintering ground for migratory birds in India. It is a home to the threatened species of plants and animals. It is an eco-system of large fishery resources. It sustains more than 2 lac Fisher-Folks living in 132 villages on the shore and islands.
The lagoon hosts 160 species of birds in the peak migratory season. Birds from Caspian sea, lake Baikal, Aral sea and also from remote parts of Russia, Mangolia, Central Asia, Ladakh andHimalayas come here. These birds travel great distance to avoid bitter cold. In 1981 the lagoon was designated the first Indian wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention. As to the survey report, 45 percent of birds are terrestrials in nature, 32 percent are waterfowls and 23 percent waders. It is a home to 14 types of raptors and 37 species of reptiles and amphibians. Rare,endangered irrawaddy Dolphins one can see in it. We can also find Microlagae, Marine seaweeds, Sea grasses, Fishes and Crabs flourish in the brackish water of Chilka. Chilika lake is not only a birds paradise but also a place of scenic beauty. There's a government wing named Chilka Development Authority (CDA) to look after. CDA was awarded the 'Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award-2002' and the 'Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Purskar-2002' for its remarkable steps for the conservation and wise use of this wetland. Let's spread our hands for this noble cause.
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