Danda Yatra : Religious Practice of Mangalajodi
Danda Yatra in Mangalajodi village is performed in different phases go on to complete the performance of Danda Yatra. It is a ritual performances held usually in the month of Chaitra for 13 to 21` days. The participants of Danda Nata are usually called "Dandua" and the chief as "Pata Dandua" who move from village to village to perform the same. It is dedicated ot Lord Siva and Goddess Parvati, who is represented by a Danda or a Pole, decorated with diffeent coloured clothes & flowers. The participant perform Pani Danda , Agni Danda, Dhuli Danda etc, which are the main attractions of the said performance. The closing ceremony is known as "Meruyatra", which observes on the day of Maha Vishuba Sankranti of the month of Chaitra. The dance form of Danda Nata involves music, dance and theater styles enacted in the performances. Also known as Danda Jatra, it illustrates stories centering around Lord Shiva and Parvati. These dances generally have a moral undertone regarding the universal brotherhood and social equality. Through enactments of episodes involving Lord Shiva and other gods as well, religious and social integrity are stressed upon.
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